
Kailiang Ying

Kailiang Ying

Syracuse University

Kailiang Ying has 6-year research experience on Mobile security, TrustZone, Network security, and Cybersecurity. His research focuses on integrating the TrustZone protection with mobile OS to protect users' sensitive activities on smartphones, uncovering new vulnerabilities in mobile OS and developing automated vulnerability detection tools. I have served as program committee for KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems'18, 2018 International Conference on Control Engineering and Mechanical Design (CEMD2018). I also have external conference reviews experience for ASIACCS'18, ICISS20'17, CCS Poster'17, ESORICS'17, ASIACCS'16, ESORICS'15, CCS'14. I have published research papers in first tier conferences such as MobiSys, CCS, NDSS. You can visit my website for my research publications.