


University of Sfax. Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia.

Faiez GARGOURI is a professor in computer science at the Higher Institute of Computer science and Multimedia at Sfax University (Tunisia) where he is the director of the MIRACL (Multimedia, InfoRmation systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory) research laboratory since October 2011. He was the head of the Higher Institute of Computer science and Multimedia from 2007 to 2011. He has got his maitrise diploma in computer management, faculty of economics and management of Sfax (1988), his master in computer science from the Paris 6University (1990) and his PhD thesis, Paris 5 University (1995). He got his Habilitation Degree in Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (2002). His research interests include Business Information Systems, Business Intelligence, multimedia Information systems, Ontology,... He is the responsible for Information Systems Engineering Team at the MIRACL laboratory and supervises several theses. He published more than 150 papers in journals and conferences as well as books (pedagogical and conference proceedings). He is member of the Scientific and Steering Committees of many international conferences. He is namely one of the founders of the JFO conference (French Workshops on Ontologies) and ASD (workshop on decisional systems).