
Luis Matosas-López

Luis Matosas-López

Rey Juan Carlos University

Dr. Luis Matosas-López is Professor Computer Sciencies Applied to Bussiness at Rey Juan Carlos University. Phd in Economics, Master in Marketing, Degree in Marketing and Market Research and Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Rey Juan Carlos University. He has also completed higher studies at Francisco de Vitoria University and IMC University of Applied Sciences in Austria. His research focus on: ICT applied to management and organizational behaviour. In both issues he has published several book chapters in publishers indexed in SPI such as IGI Global, Tirant Lo Blanch, Pirámide, McGraw-Hill, Dykinson, or Tecnos, as well as papers in international journals indexed in JCR- Wos and SJR-Scopus (Q1 and Q2). In addition, he has participated in several research projects obtained in competitive calls. He has also developed an extensive professional activity as consultant specialized in the management of CRM solutions, working in companies such as Orange or Vodafone Spain. Currently, besides being member of CIBERIMAGINARIO research group at Rey Juan Carlos University, he is also external collaborator in the groups EDI at Autonomous University of Madrid and EDUTOOLS at University of León.