
Bob Gill

Bob Gill

Telecommunications and Networks – BCIT

Bob Gill is a telecommunications and networks expert focused on wireless and wired networks. His other interests involve sensors, co-operative, cognitive and ad-hoc networks. Throughout his schooling, Bob pursued a dual career path in telecommunications and power. His industry experience includes: IBM (Toronto Lab Operations- now called Celestica), BCHydro in various capacities including: system planning, design, field operations, customer service and telecommunications. During tenure with TELUS in Calgary as a Technology manager, he was responsible for LAN/WAN, TX, meridian, IVR and the call center. Mr. Gill is also an experienced educator. He has taught at Simon Fraser University, The University of British Columbia, The University of Victoria and The British Columbia Institute of Technology. These teaching assignments have been in diverse areas: electrical and computer engineering, DSP, network security, bio-medical engineering, computer systems and professional practices.