
Aleksandar Ašonja

Aleksandar Ašonja

University Business Academy, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad,Serbia

Asonja Aleksandar is a professor at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Business Academy University, Novi Sad, where he has worked since 2013. He completed all undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. studies at the University of Novi Sad in 2013. He is also an energy manager of the City of Novi Sad Energy at the Energy Agency of the City of Novi Sad, Serbia. He worked at NS-Termomontaža d.o.o. Novi Sad, Serbia (2004–2016) and A.D. Termoelektro, Belgrade, Serbia (2001–2004). He has published about 170 scientific and professional papers, 14 monographs, and 4 technical solutions and reviewed over 150 scientific papers.