School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence,Data Science,Distributed Computing
I am an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Distributed and Pervasive Computing, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. My expertise is in the areas of large-scale distributed data systems and in-network data management. I have received funding for my research by the EC/H2020, UK EPSRC and the industry. I am an author of over 160 refereed scientific journals/conferences [scholar]. I am leading the Essence: Pervasive & Distributed Computing Lab within the Knowledge and Data Engineering Systems Group (IDA Section). Before joining Glasgow, I was an Assistant Professor at Ionian University (2013) and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Athens (2009). I have held Postdoctoral position at University of Athens and Research Fellow at University of Glasgow in the area of context-aware & large-scale distributed computing. I hold a BSc, MSc, and PhD in Computing Science, University of Athens (2008), I am an associate fellow of the HEA and member of ACM, IEEE and IEEE STC. Visit my research Lab: Essence: Pervasive & Distributed Computing