Politecnico di Milano University
Domain of Research: Human-Centered Symbiotic System Science
Short Bio: Rodolfo A. Fiorini is Professor of Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano University, Italy. He had joined research projects with Stanford University and University of California at Los Angeles. He has received prestigious awards and honors from Italian National Research Council, University and Research Ministry, U.S.A DOL, etc. He is the founder and coordinator of the Research Group on Computational Information Conservation Theory (CICT). His research activity has concerned collective/personal intelligence, evolutive cognition, evolutive information, knowledge representation, modeling and simulation, bio-inspired system, intelligent networking, cognitive computing, human-machine interfaces, computational reasoning, business process management systems, energy management systems, wellbeing, and the use of intercultural transdisciplinary approaches for the creation of reality levels where engineering and life sciences can synergistically interact to promote scientific discovery. Prof. R. A. Fiorini is WAAS Fellow, IEEE, EMB, AAAS, and JtiBS Editorial Board Member.