TU Delft
Prof. dr. Catholijn Jonker is head of the Interactive Intelligence group at TU Delft and professor of Explainable Artificial Intelligence at Leiden University. She is a Fellow of EurAI, member of Academia Europaea, and member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. She is a co-founding member of the Netherlands Academy of Engineers. She is a knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion. Her publications address hybrid intelligence and interactive intelligent processes such as negotiation, teamwork and the dynamics of individual agents. In particular, she works towards intelligent agents that can interact with their users in value-conflicting situations when also meta-values no longer solve the situation and negotiation is needed. Prestigious grants for her work are the NWO VICI (1.5 M€, 2007) personal grant negotiation support systems, and NWO Gravitation consortium grants (19 M€, 2019) on “Hybrid Intelligence” of which she is vice-coordinator, and “Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies” of which she is co-applicant. Co-applicant of the EC awarded projects HumanE-AI, TAILOR and VISION.
Keynote Title: Hybrid Intelligence in Negotiation Processes
Abstract: Hybrid Intelligence is the augmentation of human intelligence by means of collaborating with artificial intelligence. I will introduce this paradigm, show where it differs from collaborative AI and show how this paradigm can be used to improve the effectiveness of complex negotiations. The combination of types of intelligence proposed is that of human intelligence, symbolic machine learning and large language models.