Ts. Dr. Chee Ken Nee received the Ph.D. degree in Educational Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, in 2018. He is Professional Technologist registered under Malaysian Board of Technologist (MBOT). He is also senior member of IEEE (SMIEEE). A Global Teacher Award 2020 receiver. Top 30 Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2020. He is currently a Senior Lecturer with Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia. His primary research interests include mobile learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics in education, internet of things, artificial intelligence and computer-based learning. He is a reviewer for many ISI and Scopus indexed journals. He is also a jury for many prestigious innovation competitions in international and national level. He even have presented in various international stage as speaker included Teach With Tech in USA and keynote speaker in International Conference on Social Sciences (ICOSS 2021). Innovation in teaching and learning also become his interest recently especially in this pandemic era. His research H-index is 4 with 220 citations. Work more than 12 years in education sector as school teacher and half year as assistant director in Educational Technology and Resource Division, Ministry of Education. Hence, know a lot of issues that happen in education sector and system as well.