Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul ( UFRGS )
Domain of Research: Genetic Algorithms
EXPERIENCE - Full Professor , Professor titular, at the Informatics Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); - Supervisor of Ph.D. and Master students of the Computer Science Graduate Program of UFRGS, one of the top 3 in Brazil; - Supervisor of Ph.D. students of the Informatics on Education Graduate Program of UFRGS, which is top 1 in the interdisciplinary field; - Professor and Supervisor of final works ( like former ” Diplom Arbeit “ in Germany ) of the undergraduale courses of Bachelor in Computer Science ( 9 semesters) and Bachelor in Computer Engineering (10 semesters). Both are top 1 in Brazil; - Head of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory of UFRGS, since its creation in 1997 - Head of the Artificial Vision and Robotics CNPq’s research group, which involves different professors and researchers at UFRGS and other universities, since 1997. - Curator of the Exhibition Alan Turing : Legacies for Humanity and Computing, at the Museum of UFRGS , from October 2012 to march 2013, which was opened by the Brazilian Minister of Science ,Technology and Innovation . - Author of the books : Artificial Societies : The New Frontier of Artificial Intelligence , Bookman Editor, 2003 and Artificial Intelligence : Dialogues between Minds and Machines, AGE Editor, 2014. Both written in Portuguese. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE - President of the ninth edition of the Latin American Interdisciplinary Congress for Adolescents ( CLIOA ) to be be held for the first time in Brazil,in Porto Alegre, from june 11 to 13 , 2015. - Member of the Scientific Program Committees of different international and national conferences , as Speed Prosody in Shangay, China, 2012; - Member of the Turing Centennial Advisory Committee ( TCAC ) , which was formed in 2011 to promote activities all over the world related to Turing ‘s centennial birth in 2012 - Reviewer of the Pattern Recognition Letters and Computers and Education Journals. Both are from Elsevier Publishing Co. - Coordinator of projects in the following research fields: - o Intelligent Robotics o Computers in Education o Artificial Intelligence o Computational Neuroscience o Social Data Analytics o Speech Processing - Coordinator of the ROBOCETI project funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education dedicated to the development of robots to be used for research and teaching in different institutions in Brazil. Amount of this project : 500.000 euros - Coordinator of the ROBO+EDU project funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education dedicated to the development of robots to be used for teaching in elementary schools in all country. Amount of this project : 400.000 euros. - Coordinator of the KNOWLEDGE CIRCUITS project funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education dedicated to the development of an educational network to be used potentially by 3 million students of basic education in public schools in Brazil. Amount of this project : 600.000 euros - Coordinator of the RUBIK’s ROBOT project funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation dedicated to the development of a complete robotic system including mechanics, electrical control , artificial intelligence algorithms and image processing algorithms to automatically solve the Rubik’s cube placed in any one position.t. Amount of this project : 50.000 euros - Supervision of 22 Ph.D. students, which 12 have already finished in both courses Supervision of 37 Master students, which 31 have already finished by UFRGS ‘s Computer Science Graduate Program - Coordinator of the project Innovation in Classrooms : seeking Information and Communication Technologies for establishing practical environments for learning in the context of his application to the Cátedra Anisio Teixeira, 2015. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE - Member of the Advisory Board of The Brazilian Society for The Progress of Science (SBPC), similar to the American AAA’S Society, for the period 2013-2017.; - Member of the Advisory Board of the Latino American Advanced Studies Institute ( ILEA) of UFRGS for the period 2011 – 2013; - Director of the SBPC Society in two terms : 2007-2009 and 2009-2011; - Member of the SBPC Advisory Board in the term: 2003 – 2007 . - President of the Outreach ( Extension ) Chamber of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul ( UFRGS), in two terms: 2006 – 2008 and 2008 – 2010; - Member of UFRGS’s Superior Advisory Board as President of the Outreach Chamber from 2006 to 2010; - Coordinator of the Research Commission of UFRGS’s Informatics Institute, from 1998 to 2000; - Coordinator of the Graduate Program for Informatics on Education, from 1996 to 1997; - Coordinator of the Outreach ( Extension ) Commission at UFRGS’s Informatics Institute, from 2005 to 2006;