University Politehnica of Bucharest
Domain of Research: Artificial Intelligence
Personal Information Name / Surname ADRIAN OLARU Adress 14, Gh.Sincai, 0060042, Bucuresti, Romania Telephon 0314013265 Mobil: 0723852628 Fax - E-mail [email protected] Nationality romanian Birthday 23.01.1951 Sex M Work / Domain University Politehnica of Bucharest / Education Professional experience Period 1998-2008 Profesor univ. titular- Departmentul MSP, Faculty IMST, UPB Rank function Prof.univ.-head of laboratory of dynamics behavior of industrial robots Main activities and responsibilities Development research laboratory dynamic behavior of industrial robotsi Name and address of employer University Politehnica of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei nr.313, Bucharest, sector 6, Romania Type of business Technical education university Education and Training Period Septembrie 2003- "Walking- technical and biological aspects" coordonator Prof.Pfeiffer- Germania, CISM, Udine, Italia; Iulie 2000 - " Smart structures" coordonator Prof. A.Suleiman, SUA, CISM, Udine, Italia; Iulie 1999- "Fretting Fatigue" coordonator Prof. J. Dominguez, Spania, CISM , Udine, Italia; Iulie 1999 - "Deployable Structures" coordonator Prof. Pellegrino Anglia, CISM , Udine, Italia; Octombrie 1998 - "Multibody Dynamics with Unilateral Contacts" coordonator Prof. Pfeiffer and Ch. Glocker, Germania, CISM , Udine, Italia. 1981-1987 doctoral training-UPB 1969-1974 student faculty Machines Tools and Manufacturing systems UPB- chief of promotion 1974 1964-1969 student High Scool nr.1 Tg-Jiu, Gorj Martie 2013-one month-august 2013- two weeks- Extenics Research, Guangzhou, R.P.Chineza. Qualification / Awarded Diplomas CISM training courses, Italy, recognition in Europe, Ph.D. diplome in science Disciplines / Ocupational skills Industrial Robots Dynamic Behavior, Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior with LabVIEW Instrumentation, Analyze and Synthesis of the servo systems, Electro Hydraulic Servo action, Neural Networks, Assisted research with data acquisition, Animation multi robots applications with LabVIEW instrumentation Name and type of teaching institution University Politehnica of Bucharest, higher education institution Personal skills and competences Native language romana Languages Autoevaluation Understanding Speech Writing Listening Read Conversation Oral speech Written expression English Language B1 well B1 well B1 satisfactory B1 satisfactory B1 well French Language C2 well C1 well B2 satisfactory B2 satisfactory B2 well Russian Language B1 well B1 well B1 satisfactory B1 satisfactory B1 satisfactory Italian Language A2 satisfactory A2 satisfactory A2 satisfactory A1 satisfactory A1 satisfactory Social skills and competences Coordinate international programms, international relations, coordinator of the international conferences Organisational skills and competences Director international CEEPUS CII-RO-0105-02-0708 application, Director europeean E-COST application TD1006, organizor of the international conferences OPTIROB2006, OPTIROB2007, OPTIROB2008, OPTIROB2009, Conferinte IEEE, IACSIT, SCIEI, UASTRO: OPTIROB2010, ICMERA2010, ICMERA2011, OPTIROB2011, OPTIROB2012, ICMERA2012, OPTIROB 2013, ICMERA2013, OPTIROB2014, ICMERA2014. Technical skills and competences Research of the dynamic behavior of the industrial robots, Mathematical complex matrix form of the robots dynamic behavior, Assisted research with data acquisition and virtual LabVIEW instrumentation, Neural Network, Mobile robots, Personal robots, Humanoid robots Skills and competences of using computer Word, Excel, Powerpoint, LabVIEW, assisted command and acquisition More information Scientific reviewer of CNCSIS, and Education Ministery and Science Academy from Slovaky, Fellow member of International Association of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, IACSIT, Singapor, reviewer rev.Robotics Cambridge, Fellow member of Science and Engineering Institute, SCIEI of USA, Member of American Nanotechnology Society, ANS, USA, Fellow member of Association for Robotics and Automation, ARS, Singapor, Chief editor of the International Jurnal on Modeling and Optimization, IJMO, Singapor, Chief editor of the International Jurnal on Electrocal and Electronic Engineering IJEEE, Singapor, editor of the International Jurnal Applied Mechanics and Materials, TTP AMM, Zurich Elvetia.