
Salvatore Morgera

Salvatore Morgera

University of South Florida, Global Center for Neurological Networks

Domain of Research: Telecommunications Networks, Bioengineering, Neurological Networks

Dr. Sal Morgera has focused on networks all his professional life. He, and the teams he has worked with, are responsible for the Canadian oceanographic data gathering networks, the acoustic networks for American submarine tactical and strategic communications, the worldwide CAT3 auto-landing networks for commercial aircraft, and the military wireless networks used in sensitive and difficult parts of the world. In the last decade, he has turned his attention to living networks, the neurological networks of the brain and has made two discoveries: the nerve fibers of the brain communicate, compete, and cooperate with one another, thereby forming a highly sophisticated spatial-temporal network, and, further, this interaction is enabled by reactive electric near-fields. Understanding these extraordinary networks and the bio-metamaterial human brain structure in which they operate will enable mankind to develop machines with Real Intelligence (RI), as opposed to Artificial Intelligence (AI).