The Science and Information (SAI) Conference 2013 witnessed 160 researchers, students and scientists from more than 55 countries attending the conference! The conference was structured with paper and poster presentations from the international community of authors, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures It was full of engaging speakers and lively discussion. The conference was technically sponsored by 4 units of IEEE and supported by Springer.
All SAI Conference 2013 papers were published in the conference proceedings and are available in IEEE Xplore. Authors of selected outstanding papers were invited to submit extended versions of their papers for consideration of publication in the following:
Best Paper Award is presented to the individual(s) to have written the best paper appearing in the annual conference proceedings.
SAI Conference 2013 Best Paper Award: Al-Souly, H.A.; Al-Sheddi, A.S.; Kurdi, H.A., "Enhanced TSFS algorithm for secure database encryption," Science and Information Conference (SAI), 2013 , vol., no., pp.328,334, 7-9 Oct. 2013
Coventry University, United Kingdom
Chair, IEEE Computer Society, UKRI
University of Calabria, Italy
CTS, United States
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
University of Geneva
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