
leila halawi

leila halawi

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr Leila Halawi is a tenured-track assistant professor in the department of Technology Management in the College of Business, Worldwide Campus. Dr Halawi serves as the MIS Discipline Chair, the program chair to the Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MMIS) program and Chair of the Research Committee. She developed many of the courses within the MMIS program. She holds a Certification by Sloan C Consortium in Online Teaching, and a certificate from Quality Matters on Applying the QM Rubrics, (APPQMR). She is an advisory board member and a reviewer for the Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge (EABOK), Mitre Corporation. She is a Reviewer for the Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS) and the International Association for computer information systems (IACIS) . She is also a program committee member and reviewer for the European Conference on Social Media, (ECSM), the European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) and the International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (ICIKM), the Federated Conference on computer science and information systems (FEDCSIS). She is also part of the IT editorial board of the multimedia educational resource for learning and online teaching (MERLOT). Her research has been published in the Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), the Learning Organization Journal, the Journal of Business Education, the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM), the Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ),Journal of International Technology and Information Management, Journal of Education for Business, Academy of Healthcare Management Journal (AHCMJ) among others. She is frequently invited to present her research at national and international conferences. Her current research interests include knowledge management, Business Intelligence, information systems success and strategy, and ethical impacts of information technology, promoting innovation, curriculum development and design, enterprise architecture and systems, big data and analytics. Her current research focus on develop a curriculum (DACUM), a semi-structured curriculum design concept that uses subject matter experts who understand industry needs as the basis of curriculum design. . The purpose of this research is to strengthen the research effort focused on bridging the gap between industry needs for an IT/IS/MIS workforce and university curricula. The ultimate goal is to begin the discussion on the importance of creating an industry-ready workforce by designing an industry-relevant IT/IS/MIS curriculum and encouraging the flow of information between industry and academia so academia can best serve its students and prepare them for industry.